About Us

About Us

Anchor of Hope Visions International - AVI a.k.a GALLOPERS

Established: 4th April 2016 (before registration)

Vision: Preserving the Nations for Christ

Mission: Inspiring and preserving the nations for Christ through soul winning, mentorship and career coaching, potential building, guidance, and counselling


  • Win souls for Jesus Christ
  • Mentor and coach, the individual for their career
  • Give guidance and counsel to people who seek.
  • Organize conferences dubbed ‘GALLOPERS CONFERENCES’
  • Supporting the less privileged to attain their full capabilities in education and finance.

Brief History:

Collins Wonder Nyakpo, the founder and CEO of AVI is a prudent and seasoned counsellor, motivational speaker, a conference speaker, educator, author, and a pastor who graduated with the “Covenant Sons and Daughters” from the Northern Ghana Bible College (NGBC) in Tamale (Kumbungu) under the auspices of the Assemblies of God Church Ghana. Born in a very deprived village called Deme close to Dzodze, the district capital of Ketu North Municipal in the Volta region of Ghana, West Africa. Collins was and has always been the kind of person who stood tall among his colleagues. Always desiring greatly to see both the young and the old (humanity) live a fulfilled life, not only for their benefit but to the benefit of others. Growing up, he hated to see not only his peers but others underutilizing their potentials and living below their capabilities. He was always grieved to see people of diverse potentials and talents whose lives end up in a mess without making use of their God given abilities.

Driven by the passion in his days in the village, he periodically organized both young and old to be talked to either by himself or any resourceful and well-respected elderly person in his village. He mostly organizes his siblings and cousins to be talked to by their grandfather and sometimes an uncle. This passion kept increasing each day as the boy Collins grew up. He was finally recommended by a teacher from the town (Dzodze) who visited the mother in the village. With the teacher’s interaction with the boy Collins, he discovered a great potential in him and therefore recommended that the boy be sent to the nearby town to school there to bring out the greatness in him. Against all odds, such as the distance from the village to the school, means of transport either by foot or bicycle (that is if you are highly privileged), fees, just to mention a few, Collins gained admission into Mac-Tetteh International School in the year 1997. God proved himself faithful and gracious in Collins’ life that he excelled in his academics from Kindergarten to Junior High School and made name in his days in Mac-Tetteh. He never neglected God and his gatherings as well. The love and fear of God greatly upheld him amidst the odds, though he encountered many challenges.

Amid all this, the boy Collins, and his passion to see others live meaningful, achievable and a fulfilled life never ceased. In his days in JHS, he sought permission from the proprietor and headmaster Mr. Samuel Tetteh Tornyewonya to form a peer counselling group in the school upon which the headmaster gladly and purposely agreed. The boy Collins organized few of his colleagues of like-minded and formed the “PEER COUNSELLING GROUP” whiles in JHS. His headmaster supported this group greatly by providing the group with a professional and seasoned counsellor who was required to provide quality training with the aim of bringing out the best in their peers on campus. Lives were transformed to the glory of God through the group till the boy Collins completed Junior high school in 2006 and gained admission into St Paul’s Senior High (SPACO), Denu in the Volta region of Ghana in that same year where he read General Science. His three years of stay in SPACO was like the life of Joseph in Potiphar’s house, where the house of Potiphar was greatly blessed. God used the young man to transform his peers greatly. He used his office as the then Scripture Union Vice President and Crazy for Christ (CFC) campus representative to affect lives immensely while on campus. He was occasionally invited to other nearby Senior High Schools to speak to them at some of their gatherings. While in SHS, he was occasionally invited to his former JHS by the teachers and the headmaster to speak to the students, because of his previous impact in the school. In the year 2009, Collins finished SPACO and gained an appointment letter from the Volta Regional and the national leadership of Crazy for Christ Ministry to serve in the capacity of the Volta Regional Coordinator of CFC Ministry, because of his hard work, commitment, and faithfulness in his previous appointment as the campus rep for SPACO. God worked with this young man greatly even as this platform gave him the privilege to travel across the SHS in the region and partook in several leadership seminars in Kumasi. This gave him the platform to speak to thousands of students and interact with many hundreds also one on one. His leadership positions and skills also made him interact with and learn from many others of high caliber.

By the grace of God, Collins also left a great indisputable good record in his tenure of office as the regional coordinator up to date. In the year 2010, after his disappointment to gain admission to Wenzhou Medical College in China, he went to University of Cape Coast (UCC) to read a three-month course to gain admission into the school that year. This was another disappointment for Collins since he could not go to the school that year although his name was shortlisted among the few. But less did he know that God was working everything for his good. For where man disappoints, God APPOINTS!

"On Wednesday 7th of July 2010 while asleep in my room at VALCO Hall at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, I saw myself in a dream standing at a particular town which seems to be a marshy area (an area full of short but seemingly dry grasses/ rather termed savannah grassland). In this place I saw a waterfall (spring) there and created a pool of water attracting tourists (people) and also a place of comfort. Just to the opposite of this waterfall tilted at some angle I saw a structure which was in the form of a bridge but could not actually connect to or cross over to its supposed place of comfort or land over the water or the big trench. At the other side of the deep hole or trench was standing a very large crowd of people who were waiting in high EXPECTANCY for me to cross over to deliver something very crucial unto them (people of various age groups such as children, youths, nursing mothers, adults and old aged). These people were waiting for me to cross over and talk to them."

Then came some group of people dressed in an overall blue black and policemen who helped me cross over by placing a long ladder across the trench and held my hand to cross over. There was great jubilation when I crossed over to the other side.

In short, there are so many people who are waiting for my MANIFESTATION unto the world. Many people of various age groups equally need what I am carrying.

In 2011, I was praying towards my admission into UDS, in a tarry ground of Dzodze when the Lord spoke to me with an inner conviction or witnessing that, “that place will be a place of EXPLOSION OF DESTINY“.

On 31st of March 2014, I was praying with a few AGCM members for the cross over in the next month April, at UDS MEDICAL SCHOOL in Tamale, Ghana when I heard the voice say unto me "that which he has spoken about to me, the time has COME” Habakkuk 2:3 “for the VISION is yet for an APPOINTED TIME...”.

On the 4th of April 2016 at the ICT AUDITORIUM, UDS TAMALE CAMPUS, ‘ANCHOR OF HOPE VISIONS INTERNATIONAL aka GALLOPERS’ was officially inaugurated by Rev. Aaron Lambon Fant with other four speakers namely Rev Kusi Appiah, Professor Gideon K. Helegbe, Dr. Jeffery Appenteng and Collins Wonder Nyakpo. The theme was GREATER HEIGHTS and we had approximately 100 participants in the inauguration and Gallopers’ maiden conference.

Currently, we are operating in 4 main regions namely, Northern, Volta, Eastern and Oti regions with some individual representatives, members, stakeholders, affiliates in other regions of Ghana and other parts of the world.

God has given the vision earlier but NOW is the APPOINTED TIME for the VISION's MANIFESTATION. It is, therefore, not any man’s vision but directly from God through man and bringing others who are equally connected to this vision before the foundation of the earth.

Values and Principles:

AVI encourages the following values to be practiced both at individual and organizational level:

  • Honesty
  • Transparency and Accountability
  • Purity
  • Guidance and Counselling
  • Mentorship and career coaching
  • Potential Building
  • Education
  • Salvation (soul winning)
  • Creativity

Guiding Principles:

  • Encouragement of Potential building of the individual
  • Utilization of Education as one of the channels of potential deployment.
  • Enhancing and coordination of mentorship and career coaching for the individuals and groups
  • Encouragement of innovation and creativity
  • Saving the individuals for Christ Jesus

Organizational Beliefs:

  • Potential building of the individual in every sphere of life
  • Career coaching of the individuals in education and other areas of profession
  • Mentoring of the individuals in order to reach their goals
  • Provision of guidance and counselling to everyone who seeks it
  • Salvation of all men through Christ in order to enhance effective deployment of the individuals potential

Level of Action:

Junior High School (JHS), Senior High School (SHS), Tertiary (Colleges and Universities), Communities, Regionals, Zonal, National, International.

Registered Under Act:

Registrar-General’s Department Accra-Ghana, the companies ACT, 1963 (ACT 179)

Registration Number:

CG091582017 dated 28th of August 2017 with Registrar’s General Department Tamale, Ghana.



Name of the Chief Functionary and their Qualification:

MSc Biology-Biodiversity and Environmental Health, BEd in Health Science, certificate in pastoral ministry, certificate of participation in career/personal development workshop.

© 2025 · Anchor of Hope Visions International